Friday, February 21, 2025

Antenna System Overview

1. General Information

This page provides an inventory and description of the antennas here at the W7YV shack and those used in the field.


04/30/2017 JRH Initial creation
02/21/2025 JRH Update after 7 year hiatus.

2. Antenna Demarcation Point

At my home shack, I have a  steel box, about 14" x 14" x 6" is mounted to the north wall of the house.. My shack is immediately across that outside wall. At the bottom of the box is a 2" conduit, about 3 feet long, that carries numerous coax from the box to a thru-wall conduit connector into the house. Coaxes are carried through the wall into the shack.

3. Home Shack Antennas

3.1  DX Commander CLASSIC 2 Plus 80m HF Multi-Band Vertical Antennas CLASSIC2-80

This antenna was ordered 2/20/2025. It will replace my Loop Skywire. 

3.2 20 Meter Field Vertical

Feed coax nomenclatureOrange
Lightning Arrestor: ICE Model 300 0.1 MHz to 300 MHz

20M Field Day Vertical

3.3 6 Meter Dipole

Feed coax: Blue/Green
Lightning Arrestor: None

3.4 2M/70CM Vertical

Feed coax: Ant3
Lightning Arrestor: MFJ 270 DC - 1 GHz

3.5 Coax Spare

Feed coax: Red/Yellow

3.6 Coax Spare

Feed coax: Coax2

3.7 Horizontal Loop - Out of Service

This antenna patterned after the Loop Skywire (See references). My design differs in that the loop is fed with coax to a balun and ladder line from the balun to the feed point on the loop. My design is supported by pulleys at each corner which allows the feed point to be moved from one edge to an adjacent edge.
Loop Skywire - The Basis of the W7YV Loop

Varies from 10 feet to 30 feet. Mother Nature has beat this antenna up pretty good. One support was a tall pine tree. That died. So, that corner is now on a fence post about five feet off the ground. The opposite corner was in a tree but the rope broke (inadequate maintenance). Now, that point is 10 feet off the ground. 
About 268 feet
17ft 450 ohm ladder line between antenna and a 1:1 Guanella current balun. The balun is driven by 15 ft of 50 ohm coax going into the shack.
Feed coax nomenclatureGreen/Yellow


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