Wednesday, May 17, 2017

10 GHz Microwave (3cm) Beacons on

One of the projects on my Never Ending Project List is to build a 10 GHz Microwave Station (3 cm band). A logical first step, I think, is to build a 3 cm beacon. There is a great deal of information on that topic. In particular, KA7OEI has done lots of work and published his findings. (TNX CLINT).

Thinking about that led me to the discovery that the site has nearly a dozen SDRs that listen to the 3 cm band. So, I thought I would make a list here and share it.

SDRs Listening To The 3 cm Band  One beacon found sending FSCW (Frequency-Shifted CW) and an unidentified digital mode having four discrete frequencies. Nice CW beacon on 10368929.65 sending chirpy code. No beacons detected. No beacons detected. Beacon at 10368086.74 sending unidentified digital mode. No CW heard. Quite pleasant chirpy beacon sending FSCW easily copied. This is the choo choo that is saying, "I think I can, I think I can." Located in Dresden, Germany. No beacons detected. One beacon found sending FSCW and and unidentified digital mode having four discrete frequencies. Located in Belgium. No beacons detected, however, there are quite a few markers indicating the frequencies of beacons.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

New Toy - General Radio Model 1650a Impedance Bridge

Woo Hoo! A new toy joins the shack's boat anchor collection. I used this device when I worked at Edo Western many years ago. See this page for a complete description.

Friday, April 14, 2017

Listening to Whistlers

I have an interest in building an ELF receiver that can hear whistlers. Here is a YouTube video of what they sound like:

And, here is a link explaining what they are:

One problem is that, to hear the signals in the range of 0 Hz to 20 KHz, it is best to get well away from the urban environment with all the 60 Hz power line noise. So, I thought one could place the receiver on a mountain top. It could be powered with solar cells and beam the data back on a telemetry link (UHF) to a receiver here in the valley. From there, the data could be made available as a feed to the MESH network sites.

More later....

Thursday, March 30, 2017

RF Baluns and 20M Vertical Antenna Photos

Here are some links to photos of various projects:



Balun 070701

Balun 070709

070711 Balun

Balun 070712

Balun 070717

Balun 070718

Balun 070724

20M Vertical Antenna
